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Products          1-800-REALSAVINGS.com  tm


Webhosting for your website or many websites.

Real hosting, Real Deals, Real Savings for your webhosting needs


Basic / $9.99 Silver / $19.99 Gold / $29.99
Your address: www.your-name.com
10 Megs of storage
Unlimited hits (we don't monitor bandwidth)
CGI, SSI, Perl, Java, C/C++, PHP
Unlimited FTP access
Comprehensive website statistics using weblog
3 email accounts
Vacation responder
Email forwarding
Microsoft¨ FrontPage¨ 98 and 2000 extensions
24 x 7 Server monitoring
Your address: www.your-name.com
50 Megs of storage
Unlimited hits (we don't monitor bandwidth)
CGI, SSI, Perl, Java, C/C++, PHP
Unlimited FTP access
Comprehensive website statistics using weblog
5 email accounts
Vacation responder
Email forwarding
Microsoft¨ FrontPage¨ 98 and 2000 extensions
Free submission to all major search engines
24 x 7 Server monitoring
Web page editing software license
Your address: www.your-name.com
100 Megs of storage
Unlimited hits (we don't monitor bandwidth)
CGI, SSI, Perl, Java, C/C++, PHP
Unlimited FTP access
Comprehensive website statistics using weblog
10 email accounts
Vacation responder
Email forwarding
Microsoft¨ FrontPage¨ 98 and 2000 extensions
Free submission to all major search engines
24 x 7 Server monitoring
Web page editing software license
Secure Server directory
Shopping cart license
Platinum / $49.99 Advanced / $99.99 Dedicated Servers
Your address: www.your-name.com
200 Megs of storage
Unlimited hits (we don't monitor bandwidth)
CGI, SSI, Perl, Java, C/C++, PHP
Unlimited FTP access
Comprehensive website statistics using weblog
20 email accounts
Vacation responder
Email forwarding
Microsoft¨ FrontPage¨ 98 and 2000 extensions
24 x 7 Server monitoring
Web page editing software licence
Secure Server directory
Shopping cart license
Your address: www.your-name.com
400 Megs of storage
Unlimited hits (we don't monitor bandwidth)
CGI, SSI, Perl, Java, C/C++, PHP
Unlimited FTP access
Comprehensive website statistics using weblog
unlimited email accounts
Vacation responder
Email forwarding
Microsoft¨ FrontPage¨ 98 and 2000 extensions
24 x 7 Server monitoring
Web page editing software licence
Secure Server directory
Shopping cart license
Cobalt RAQ Server
256 MB RAM
Single Ethernet Port
30GB EIDE Hard Drive
60GB Burstable Monthly Bandwidth
5IP Address
Cobalt Linux 7.0 Preinstalled
Add $299. for your own website!!
Starting from $475/Month
Prepay 1 year and get one FREE MONTH


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